MOMA in San Francisco

As I mentioned before and on Facebook, I don’t participate in the shopping shenanigans on Black Friday. Yes there might be some great deals but most will be impulse buys. But even more importantly, I like to shop in peace. Versace was a little different because there were such few, lovely pieces in existence but I’ve had my fill for a while. I don’t want to be running around stressed trying to buy four cardigans for $5. Don’t get me wrong, it might be great for everyone else, but as for me, I’ll wait till Monday when everyone is back at work and in school.

Instead of taking part in chaos, we went to see the exhibits at the MOMA in San Francisco with my family. It was a fantastic day to spend in the city. Especially with my sister who I don’t get to see much of these days. The main artist we went to see was Francesca Woodman, who was a young photographer with an untimely death, at the age of 22 when she committed suicide. Of course I have no idea her reasoning for ending her life but sometimes I can’t help but wonder if artists (of all forms including fashion) commit suicide to make their art more valuable. Give up their life for the sake of their work. Just a thought.

H&M Dress, Kate Spade Bag, Cathy Jean Boots, Miss Sixty Peacoat
Naz Isik November 27th, 2011 1 comment Uncategorized
  1. Alessandra

    Love your dress!!

    November 27th, 2011 // Reply

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