Sugar Lips Apparel

I recently received this lovely bat wing style coat from Sugar Lips Apparel as a wonderful gift. Since getting the jacket I have worn it multiple times (yes within a week). It is unlike anything I have ever come across before and the production and details are pretty amazing. The way the jacket peeks open when you move your arms is something I love most because I can tell some thought went into it. I always say I love when clothes can change as you move about in them.

I have already been to the site multiple times choosing items for when I am no longer on my no shopping pact. That I may or may not have been abiding strictly by, ::ahem::. You guys should check it out and let me know what you think.

ps have I mentioned how much I love these jegging bell bottoms? They hug you legs showing off your muscles but do you an extra favor by expanding at the bottom and making you look even thinner. And since they are so long, you are forced to wear heels which are hidden by the pants giving the impression you have impossibly long legs.
Math in my book:              Longer legs + Thinner legs = Awesome pants

pps. “Like” Oh The Savoir Faire’s facebook page for special and candid updates pictures that don’t get posted on the blog

Coat thanks to Sugar Lips Apparel
Gap Jeans
Henri Bendel Bag
Bebe Boots
Naz Isik December 22nd, 2011 1 comment Uncategorized
  1. susie

    i just went to check this coat out on their website and the model does not do it justice at all! i would never think to buy it based on how it looks on her, they should take your pictures & put them up there!

    December 22nd, 2011 // Reply

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