Versace for H&M

Thanks for following along on Facebook and being patient. I’ve been a little sick, rightfully so, being up running around all night. Here are a few snapshots of what I got at the release yesterday. It was such a hectic night, we weren’t technically allowed to line up until five am, but because they hadn’t made that clear, there were people coming at all hours of the night. The only way to ensure we could keep our front of the line position was to make sure everyone knew our spot even though none of us were actually in an official ‘line’. It was such a funny thing to do now that I think about it but it was worth it in the end. Not to mention we made a lot of friends haha.

The bracelet was the only accessory I got, I kind of wish I got more but this one was my favorite, it is not too large or over the top.

 These two-tone leggings stuck out to me instantly when the collection first came out. I realize they might be too much for most people but I have always loved the idea of doing two different things with each pant leg. There are so many asymmetrical tops and dresses where you  have two different color or length sleeves, but never on a pair of pants/shorts. Why is that? Anyway I love them and cannot wait to wear them, despite the stares I might get.

I wasn’t originally interested in this skirt at all. I guess the pictures don’t do it justice because being in the front of the line we got to see them setting up the store. As soon as they pulled this item out of the box I was like a kid outside a window display at Christmas time. The way it reflects the light when it moves is amazing. Yet it isn’t glittery, so it isn’t too formal. It just has very shiny studs.

 Versace’s iconic Roman key up the side of these leggings makes it a very affordable yet valuable piece to my wardrobe. They are simple and black so they will match with a lot. Yet they are very obviously a piece by the coveted fashion house.

Here it is. The leather jacket. Everyone in the line was saying just how much they wanted this jacket, every time someone mentioned it, despite being in front of them it made Courtney and I more and more anxious. Have you ever had butterflies in your stomach for 18 hours over a jacket? I guess it’s not the most popular feeling, but now I have. It was the first thing we grabbed and lucky because there was one size eight and one size ten. ONE, of EACH, can you imagine all the 200 people waiting in line for hours, hours fewer then us, but none the less, a lengthy amount of time in the freezing cold, to get to the front and realize the jackets were sold out within seconds of 8am?

Side note: what are they thinking making the jackets so small? Who would fit into a size two I wonder…

Versace for H&M, we will be seeing you again very soon for the spring collection.

Naz Isik November 20th, 2011 3 Comments Uncategorized
  1. krissy rock

    love it all! I wish I had those pants and jacket! i can’t wait to see you wearing these items in a blog post!

    November 21st, 2011 // Reply
  2. Maria Alyssa

    Those are beautiful! How I wish there’s H&M here in the Philippines, so I don’t need to hire a buyer when H&M will have an awesome collaboration ’cause the nearest H&M hear is in Hong Kong.
    Style is ternal

    November 21st, 2011 // Reply
  3. Naz Isik

    ah, It must be really rough not having an H&M close by! I don’t know how I would survive. Haha. I will definitely be posting some pictures with the items soon Krissy! I’m sure in a couple months the hype will go down and the prices on the Ebay items will go down to the retail prices!

    November 21st, 2011 // Reply

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