Jackets Galore

Many people have two or three jackets that they alternate between. I’m sure at one point in my life I was one of these people. I’m not sure why, I guess maybe it’s easier to think that a jacket is just something to keep you warm, till it comes off and you can show what you’re wearing underneath. 
Looking at it in a different perspective, that is no fun at all. A jacket is what you wear in public and what you wear almost everyday during the colder months. If you know how to bargain hunt you can find great jackets for the same price as you could find a top. Basically, viewing your jackets in the winter the way you see your tops in the summer, finds you not only bundled up, but also looking good and confident all year round. 

Now my only problem is the closet space.

Jacket: Foreign Exchange, Booties: Michael Antonio, Jacquard Scarf: Forever21, 
Naz Isik October 12th, 2011 3 Comments Uncategorized
  1. margarita ts

    great look!love your wedges!

    October 12th, 2011 // Reply
  2. Naz Isik

    Thanks so much! I love them too, it took me quite a deal of internet scouring to find them :)

    October 13th, 2011 // Reply
  3. Lyndzie

    great outfit – that scarf is beautiful!!

    fashionable footprints

    October 13th, 2011 // Reply

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