
Mustard and 70′s that’s what’s in right now, isn’t it? When I saw this skirt, embodying both trends it was   like heaven.
I love movement in clothing. Each article is like a small piece of art to me; but it has so many mediums in which you can experience it. It isn’t just a piece of cloth sitting on a wall that you look at, there is the way it feels against your skin, the way it fits your body, they way it moves when you walk. Fashion designers have found a way to make something we need into something that is so beautiful.
Back to the outfit. I think it is fantastic that longer length skirts are back in. Midi-skirts are so romantic and very classy. But even as I left the house my mom told me I look very conservative. Now isn’t that backwards?!  
ps I had a great time mixing all the primary colors. I might try this combination more often.
Naz Isik October 20th, 2011 9 Comments Uncategorized
  1. Bigkiss4u

    yay first to comment, totaly loved this outfit!!

    October 20th, 2011 // Reply
  2. Naz Isik

    Thank you dear! xox

    October 20th, 2011 // Reply
  3. Anonymous

    where did you get this skirt ?!?!?!?!

    October 21st, 2011 // Reply
  4. fashion kats

    Your skirt is just beautiful!
    liked your blog, check out mine someday!

    October 21st, 2011 // Reply
  5. Naz Isik

    thanks so much! I got the skirt from Forever 21 :)

    October 22nd, 2011 // Reply
  6. Joanna

    love those shoes! you look amazing!


    October 23rd, 2011 // Reply
  7. streats

    Where is the top from? Love the contouring and the buttons.

    October 23rd, 2011 // Reply
  8. Naz Isik

    I got the top at a boutique in San Diego a couple years ago. It actually has a peplum right below the skirt line you can’t see. I’ll wear it soon; it looks completely different. :)

    October 23rd, 2011 // Reply
  9. EydaFlowers

    this is probably one of my favorite outfits from you :) I just ADORE it, I would kill for the skirt, wish I could bay it somewhere :( and every other thing on you looks beautiful, love love this outfit :*

    October 24th, 2011 // Reply

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