Mixing Styles

Something I’m constantly doing with my outfits is mixing styles. I think the normal thing to do is to pair a romantic necklace with a top like this and a black belt to keep in line with the rest of the outfit. Instead  it is much more interesting for me to put on a tribal necklace and a brown belt. I can imagine a scene where I’d be getting ready to go out for the day and I ask my roommates what they think and they say:  “I don’t think that really matches….” Luckily I don’t have any influences like that. My last roommate Courtney was all for weird things too. It’s always great to have someone around that encourages your creative juices. 
I can be that person for you if you don’t have one hanging around. :) 
Why do I like pairing odd things together? It keeps people coming back for more. 
(Moreover, if someone doesn’t quite understand the reasoning for why you’re doing things a certain way they often assume you know something they don’t.)
Top: H&M, Boots: Cathy Jean, Necklace: H&M

Naz Isik October 21st, 2011 2 Comments Uncategorized
  1. Eveline

    Your look is adorable !

    October 21st, 2011 // Reply
  2. Cuquete

    I like your outfit and the mix!
    I’m your new Spanish follower, and you can visit my blog: http://synonym4fashion.blogspot.com/


    October 22nd, 2011 // Reply

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